Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mistaken Ryan

Today I thought about some of my worst 'mistakes'.
I have written stuff that I didn't mean, which had repercussions that I did not think expect.
I have acted in a way that I am not happy about, which made me come across as the loathed 'bad guy'.
Then I thought about how that could effect me in the future and how it has already affected me.
There were many negatives, but then I thought about it properly.
All those foolish actions I took made me end up here, made me grow as a person, made my character mature, made me a better person. Can events that have done that kind of good really be called 'mistakes'?
I regret the things I did, but the after effect of them has made me into a better person, with a greater understanding of things around me. I am a learner. i have learned lots from those events. If you learn from your actions, you can never make a mistake, merely an event from which you learn from. So everything that caused me upset or embarrassment was really just making me become a better person, it was never as bad as I thought. those so called 'mistakes' made me who I am today. A happy person with great friends. So I shouldn't regret. I should see the positive side, I am a much better person after writing those things and acting the way I did. The negative side was a few people disliked me, some people hold grudges, some people can't move on. I have moved on and grown as a person. I am now a better person, I think harder, I know more, I feel wiser, I know when to stop. Any 'mistake' I make from now on is just another event that will make me grow as a person. making 'mistakes' is not the way to become a better person, but learning from them is. If I do not learn from a regrettable action, that is a mistake. But I am a learner. I learn. I mature.

A learning kid, I try to do the right thing and act the right way, but sometimes I end up doing the wrong thing, but I learn. I am a learner. So I never make mistakes, merely events which I learn from. that sums up this Ryan kid.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rain Lover <3

I am a rain lover.
I can hear the alluring sounds of raindrops hitting the ground outside.
Oh how I want to frolic in the continually falling raindrops.
The sound is calming, the touch refreshing, the sight mesmerizing.
I can happily stand and stare at the rain, and the affect it has on the world is falls onto.
I see how the wood fences are dampened and become a darker shade of brown.
I see the grass blades, grasping and gently holding the water droplets.
I see the animals frolic and flutter in the calming weather.
I see puddles slowly forming, and inviting critters to drink it's contents.
Alas, I have to stay within the warm confinements of my home.
I may not be hugged by the rain and dampened.
I may not frolic in the paths of the falling water droplets.
I may only stand here; watching.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Leah lover

it all went like Romeo and juliet
we met over skype, and were soon married
just like Romeo and Juliet, well the speedy relationship part anyways
being youtube married is fun fo sho
and then after marriage, Leah became a partner of YouTube
which is obviously a sign of even greater things to come :D
congrats Leah!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bithday splendidness

yes, the Birthday
one of mankinds most celebrated and loved days
and mine has just been yesterday
it was a simply splendid occasion
with mail from family in England
cake and delights to eat
and splendid videos of birthday wishes on YouTube
presents too!
iMac is coming soon
chocolate has been devoured
and I now has a wee pad to write/draw on :)
How simply splendid!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I kinda left this wee blog alone didn't I?
I should be done for blog cruelty or something.

Splendid - My new favourite word
Splendid- an adjective meaning grand, impressive, radiant and excellent
what a wondeful word indeed, no wonder I use it so much.
well, this post ahs been rather short hasn't it? but I'm afraid that it must end


Saturday, October 18, 2008

NZ Youtube Auckland Gathering

Today was the New Zealand Youtube Gathering and it was awesome!
At first I was kinda nervous, meeting Youtubers is quite scary, but after a while I weren't so nervous and was speaking to all the cool kids :)
It is a surpise meeting someone you know from the internet,
cus they are never how you think they will be, Dannie for example
I thought she would be tall, turns out she is small and travel size, Levi the same
James is much taller than I would have thought, Tenani too
the only people who were like how I thought they would be were Juno, Simon and Jess
So it was cool meeting people in real life - cus you see the full person for once

The Gathering started out at Britomart transport centre where Anna Rose did her treasure hunt, Jess won the top prize - a monkey puppet
and everyone introduced themselves to everyone and socialised
I even got a few hugs - most memorable was Tenani's - it was even reinacted so it could be captured on film :D
Juno also attempted to eat M&M's whilst wearing fangs - it was funny to watch fo sho
After hanging around Britomart till 12 something Damien had still no arrived and the mob of youtubers were told to move by britomart security, so we started the journey down to the metro food court thing near the sky tower

On the way we met some sciencelotogy protesters who were from the internet. They wore masks and scared me and Dannie fo sho
me, Jess, Anna and some other random youtubers continued up the road to the food court whilst the others lagged behind. we arrived, got a few tables outside mr.whippy and waited for the others to arrive.
we knew they had arrived when we saw Juno, Kate, Simon, Ben and many other Youtubers in the rocket shaped elevator, filming whilst going up and down.
Then people started to get food:
After Levi got Pizza, James did too, then Juno, Kate and Simon followed - whilst Cameron had sushi, and Rache had a vanilla coke
(I cant believe I remembered what everyone had)
me, Rcahe, Patrick, Ben, Dylan and Juno then played a card game called scum
Then Tenani, Jess, Levi, Dannie, Corey and James went to go check in to their hotels, whilst me Rache,Juno,Kate,Ben,Simon,Dylan and a everyone else that was at the gathering went into the borders book store

we wandered around for a while - then Dylan had the brilliant idea of playing sardin in this huge book store - which had multiple levels
so everyone dispearsed and the game failed when we all emt up again - then, since Juno and Kate were still hiding as sardins we started another round
I tagged along with Rache and we soon found a huddle of Youtubers, disguising themselves with books - after a few minutes of sitting in this huddle security came and told samcamfilms and philipnewman to stop filming or they would make us all leave. this was our second encounter with security, we were such a rowdy bunch weren't we?
after this meeting with security we decided to move into the childrens section of the book store, and Dylan read 'i love you blue Kangaroo' to the group of Youtubers, and Simon read a story to little girls in the store. Also, Cameron I think, knocked over a hell of alot of books, which made many youtbers giggle, after occasional interuptions from Kate and her mobile conversation with Juno we were reaching the end of the story, when secuirty came AGAIN and told Dylan to stop reading us the story since they had an employed storyteller coming in at 2pm - we never did find out what happened to blue kanagaroo

after this third encounter with security we decided to leave the huge bookstore and on our way out we found Levi, Dannie, Tenani, Jess, Corey and James at the elevators, back from their trip to check-in. since we were causing a nuisance in the metro shop/food court place we decided to exit and sit on some steps outside.

Outside we sat down and took some pictures and shouted out youtuber stuff, and Dylan made us all say 'I am New Zealand Youtube' to his camera, for a video of his. after some mingling on the stairs Juno did her fresh prince rendition for the crowd, Then James did a high school musicla routine and the spilts - the splits shocked quite a few peoples. Simon also hit his head on the wall overhanging above his whilst he climbed the stairs - Juno and Tenani soon comforted him and he was all better again :) Then James saw a little Dairy - it was tiny - and he had the great idea of trying to gte all of us in there, and it was quite sucessful, we packed the tiny dairy. whilst in there many youtubers bought Demon engery drinks and lollies - we're a healthy bunch.

now Levi had an idea, we were going to walk across the road - at the cross section - and freeze, then move again after the timer went down - we all thought this would be fun and we did it, the first time failed kind of, but the second time went well and we even got soem toots from cars - which caused us to flee from the road

after doing this we heard from Rache that Damien and huan man(I think thats his name) were at Britomart, waiting for us - so we made our way down to Britomart to meet up with them. we got there and waited outside whilst Jess went in - she then informed us that Damien was inside, so the mob entered Britomart transport centre and found Damien - we stood their, staring, then he made us follow him outside - where huan man was, with his 'free hugs' sign and a teddy bear - after a few hugs and photos people were chatting and crowding Damien and huan man. Damien then told us how to get our hands on Youtuber T-shirts, and shook Simon's hand - Simon will never wash that hand again. Now people chatted bout stuff and I got rung by my mum, and was informed that I had to leave, this was disapointing - so I told James I was off, then he annouced it to the crowd and I was bombarded with goodbye hugs from James, Jess, Rache, Kate and Juno!
after taking pictures with Rache and Juno and other peoples I left through Britomart transport centre and got driven back to Hamilton.

The Gathering was really awesome as you can see, and if you actually read all that I congratulate you! I left at a reasonable time, where no one was really doing much - but I'm sure alot happened after I left, I'll have to look on GG to find out what happened later on in the day

Also, my mum now trusts that I can go to Auckland, and future gatherings by myself - since I showed her that I have good organising skills today, and I might be back up in Auckland, or down in Wellington soon - since my grandparents are coming over and they want to see more of NZ, not just Hamilton - so I may be seeing some of you youtubers again soon :)

that is all for now,

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tis what the cool kids do

all the cool kids blog these days, so why am I here?
I'm not too sure of that fact either.
I certainly am no literature extraordinaire, and my typing skills are something to pity, yet I am here, trying to blog. Throughout these blogs you will be able to play ‘spot the spelling mistake’ and soon after that you will become accustom to my crappy spelling, and will ignore the fact that letters have been muddled and huddled together in the wrong order, and possibly be able to listen to the story behind the words. Hmm... Blogging shall be an interesting experience. Not sure if anyone will even read my blogs, or be kind enough to leave a comment, since the people that do blog have subscribers to the nearest thousand, but I don’t know, we’ll see shan’t we?